285.6 miles away - SYRACUSE, NY
A/C: Yes, aftermarketengine2stc: No, aftermarketenginestc: No, airworthy: Yes, auxiliaryfueltank: No, displayregnumber: Yes, displayserialnumber: Yes, Engine Manufacturer: See photos on right engine overhaul. 2,000hr engines according to Continental website., engine2notes: see photos on left engine. 2,000hr engines according to Continental website., enginemake2: CONTINENTAL, enginemodel2: LTSIO360RB, engineserialnum: 321700, engineserialnum2: 321446, flightrules: IFR, floatkit: No, Horsepowerengine (hp): 220, Horsepowerengine2 (hp): 220, inadvertenticeprotection: Yes, includesfloats: No, inspection: Current, interiorconfiguration: Passenger, knownice: Yes, lavatory: No, locationairportcode: ksyr, logs: Yes, Maxtakeoffweight (pounds): 4750, modifications: vortex generators, New: Used, Number of Blades: 3, overhaultime: 991.9, overhaultime2: 993.9, overhaultype: SMOH, overhaultype2: SMOH, oxygensystem: Yes, pressurized: No, propmake: HARTZELL, propmake2: HARTZELL, propmodel: BHC-J2YF-2, propmodel2: BHC-J2YF-2, regnumber: N113DF, seatnumber: 5, sweptbladepropellers: No, timebetweenoverhaul: 1008.1, timebetweenoverhaul2: 1006.1, timeremainingtooverhaul: 1008.1, timeremainingtooverhaul2: 1006.1, totaltime: 2572, vortexgenerators: Yes, wifi: No, winglets: No
1949.6 miles away - CASA GRANDE, AZ
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