587.3 miles away - ARTHUR, IL
785.2 miles away - MEMPHIS, MO
12 Row, 30" Spacing, Folding Non-Chopping Corn Head, Automatic Header Height, RowSense, Hydraulic Deck Plates, Knife Rolls, Hydraulic End Rollers, Outer Gathering Extension, Stubble Lights, Single Point Hookup, Setup For S-Series Combine+
706.3 miles away - DYERSVILLE, IA
1066.0 miles away - MILBANK, SD
Platform Size: 35 Feet
Platform Kind: Flexible
1149.7 miles away - RUSSELL, KS
52.9 miles away - WAYNESBORO, PA
52.9 miles away - WAYNESBORO, PA
80.2 miles away - NEWVILLE, PA
Auger Full Finger: Yes, Gathering Type: Auger, Hydraulic Hookup: SinglePoint, New: Used, stonedam: Yes, Stubble Lights: Yes
80.2 miles away - NEWVILLE, PA
80.2 miles away - NEWVILLE, PA
JD 693 Corn Head, 6 Row 30" Poly, Knife Rolls, Very Good Deck Plates, Nice Poly, 2 Pto Hookup, Ear Saver, Very Nice Straight Head, Field ready, $9500
80.2 miles away - NEWVILLE, PA
JD 893 Corn head, 2 PTO Hookup, Knife Rolls, Used last fall for harvest, Field ready, $8500. Delivery available
80.2 miles away - NEWVILLE, PA
JD 843 Corn Head, 8 row 30" John Deere Poly, Oil bath, 2 Pto Hookup, Wedge Kit to Level Head, Very Good Rolls, Ear Saver, Nice straight Poly head, $6900. Delivery available
86.1 miles away - TAPPAHANNOCK, VA
Number of Rows: 8
Header Row Spacing: 30
2022 4408-C chopping and folding corn header, sells with the Unverferth cart, approx 1400 acres. Selling on consignment for a deceased customers family.
86.1 miles away - TAPPAHANNOCK, VA
Platform Size: 40 Feet
Platform Kind: Flex/Draper
Platform Size: 40 Feet, Platform Kind: Flex/Draper, New: Used, Other: Dual knife drive , Poly tine pickup reel, Other Options: Flip Over Reel
86.1 miles away - TAPPAHANNOCK, VA
Platform Size: 40 Feet
Platform Kind: Flex/Draper
86.1 miles away - TAPPAHANNOCK, VA
Number of Rows: 6
Header Row Spacing: 30
87.6 miles away - ROCKINGHAM, VA
Platform Size: 30 Feet
Platform Kind: Flexible
89.2 miles away - HARRISONBURG, VA
90.9 miles away - CECILTON, MD
90.9 miles away - CECILTON, MD
2016 Drago GT, 12 row 30", single chop, short down corn augers, 3 sensor header height control, CNH flagship hookup ,
90.9 miles away - CECILTON, MD
90.9 miles away - CECILTON, MD
2012 Gleaner 3000 8-Row 30" Cornhead Chains and Stalk-Roll Knives in last 2 years, Electronic Deck Plates Mileage: 0 Hours: 0
92.1 miles away - MOUNT JOY, PA
92.1 miles away - MOUNT JOY, PA
92.1 miles away - MOUNT JOY, PA
30 foot flex head, 3" course knife, long dividers, poly long snouts, poly fingers on reel, poly reel with fore and aft, raise and lower, single point hydraulic hook-up, header height sensors, (does not include header wagon)
96.3 miles away - LANCASTER, PA
96.3 miles away - LANCASTER, PA
98.6 miles away - MARTINSBURG, PA
101.0 miles away - ANNVILLE, PA
Contact for Price
101.8 miles away - LEOLA, PA
101.8 miles away - LEOLA, PA
101.8 miles away - LEOLA, PA
JOHN DEERE 30' MODEL 730 FD Flex Draper Head , very good condition off of J.D S770 COMBINE Mileage: 0 Hours: 0
101.8 miles away - LEOLA, PA
approximately 4,200 total acres, spare knife, Case IH adapter, header cart not included, new sickle, good condition,
101.8 miles away - LEOLA, PA
101.8 miles away - LEOLA, PA
of 302
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